Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Le Montana reviewed by WeiHan Lee

Le Montana 就坐落在 Bandar Sunway (不是 Sunway Pyramid Sunway, 而是Seberang Jaya Sunway).

喜爱喝酒聊天的你, 肯定不能错过这间酒吧咖啡厅。



鼠大哥给我的是RM 50 Voucher.

Le Montana is at Bandar Sunway. (Not the Sunway Pyramid, it’s the Sunway in Seberang Jaya)

If you like alcoholic drinks, this is a recommended Café Lounge.

Why is it a Café Lounge?

Because it’s a Bar where you can drink, it’s also a good place to enjoy western food.

Foodmice gave me a RM 50 voucher.



You can refer to the review by Ah Jazz by the link above. My review and his is almost the same, just the food we ordered is different.

Here is my food and drink.

Grilled Cajun Chicken Chop RM 16

这是一道很特别的鸡扒,配上Cajun 酱,味道很不错。这是鸡腿肉,很香,有汁。它的番薯也与一般西餐厅的不一样,很爽口。

This is a special chicken chop with Cajun sauce. Nice aroma. The chicken is juicy and they served me with the drumstick. The mashed potatoes is also different from other western restaurant, taste good.

Montana house special spaghetti RM 16


This spaghetti with fried fish and veges is a good combination. The spaghetti is a little tiny than the normal one. I like the sauce on top of the fish as well as the veges, it has a very nice garlic taste.

Fruit’s Milk Shake (Carrot)

Red Beet Root Punch

Tiger Logo

我想这两杯饮料蛮好喝的,尤其是那个Red Beet Root Punch. 应该只有这里才有吧。Beet 是一种果类,这还是我第一次喝呢!

I feel that these fruit juices taste nice, especially the Red Beet Root Punch. I think it’s only available here. Beet is a type of fruit, this is my first time drinking it!

Bottle Decorations


The Bar


这里还蛮多人光顾的。大多数是朋友们喝酒聊天的地方。气氛不错。虽然它是酒吧,但不会太吵闹,一个适合吃晚餐的地方。要不是鼠大哥 的介绍,我也想不到Sunway 这里还有蛮多类似酒吧的餐厅。

The waitress and waiters are friendly. They seem know the customers quite well, maybe those are regular customers.

There were many customers. Most of them were friends drinking and chatting together. If not introduced by Foodmice, I would not know Sunway here got a lot of café lounge.


Thank you Foodmice!

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