Decorated with antique clocks, paintings and tables, diners can enjoy a view of traditional Chinese decoration while waiting for the food to be served. Besides Nyonya food, Hot Wok also serves local cuisine to its customers.
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热锅餐馆早在1994年已经开始营业,拥有了超过十多年的娘惹美食历史。迁至于车水路,一间槟城战争的房子里,生意仍然丝毫不减,这足以证明,秉持着正宗传统的娘惹菜,牢牢的把食客们的味蕾绑住了。 土生华人(Peranakan)的装潢,磨光大理石的桌面,深褐色的家具和历史照片集系列,让它成了一种特色。许多商业性聚餐都选择此餐馆为指定地点,皆因它们提供的美食极具代表性。
Exterior Look
Interior Look
Loh Bak
Joo Hoo Char
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