Monday, November 22, 2010

Maa Roy Thai Seafood reviewed by Jazz

在Krystal Point发现一共有3家泰国餐而这次造访的这家是真正的泰国老板+厨师所烹饪的泰国餐。我个人蛮喜欢吃泰国餐的,小晶更不在话下啦。
When we reach Krystal Point, we found there is 3 Thai Restaurant here, Maa Roy Thai is one of here. But Maa Roy Thai provide the original Thai food due to the tauke & the chef here are from Thailand. Thai food is one of my favorite.

门外有set lunch的banner,墙上挂着一个小黑板写着1-Oct开始,午餐套餐会送煎蛋卷、饮料和汤或甜品(选一),Set Lunch价钱都是RM9.90++罢了哦。。。
The banner at the doorside & little blackboard at interior wall shows start from 1-Oct, set lunch will free Omelet, drinks & Soup or Dessert. And the price just RM9.90++/set.
Set Lunch choice:
A. Bee Hoon Tom Yam Chicken
B. Fried Rice Roast Chillis
C. Casbew Nut with Chicken serve with rice
D. Dry Curry Fish with Rice
E. Pad Shee Ew (Thai Char Koay Teow)
F. Fried Rice Salted Fish
以上set lunch只限weekday罢了,很适合FTZ工作人士。The set lunch is very suitable for FTZ working people.】
当然除了套餐还有ala carte,价钱介于RM7-RM37,一般的泰式美食都可以在这里找到的哦。
Of course Except for set lunch, there is ala carte as well, price within RM7-RM37. All kind of Thai food can be found here too.

Due to we came for free meal again, Maa Roy Thai provide us 2 white rice, small seafood tomyam, Deep Fried Squid with Garlic, Morning Glory with Belacan & 2 drinks.
I pick Lime Juice【RM3】 for my drink & Jing pick the Lemongrass Juice 【RM2.80】.The lemongrass normally there will put in the tomyam as one of the spice and now become a drink, taste a bit weird.

This Thai style Appetizer, i think...? And the appetizer ate all by Jing cos cucumber is her favorite. She said the sambai very tasty but I didnt try it.

可 能当天我们造访时没有其他客人所以上菜速度快得惊人,不过这样的速度来应付平日午餐时间FTZ的顾客是绝对需要的。这道是Belacan炒蕹菜 【RM8】,里面很多陷阱哦,隐藏在蕹菜里面的小辣椒要注意啦,我不小心的啃到几粒,激动到我流泪。不过我只能说味道真的很够,重重的Belacan味道 才能配合到蕹菜嘛。。。
Due to there is no other customer during our visit, the dishes served very fast. This is Morning Glory with Belacan 【RM8】. Must becareful wor cos a lot of booby trap inside - tiny chillies, I accidentally ate a few piece, the result tears drop non-stop. But the belacan taste very heavy, I like it!!

 红 透透的东炎也在5分钟内迅速上桌,其实单单嗅的话,你肯定不觉得这东炎很辣。但好戏在后头,但你吃第三、第四口东炎汤时,你就明白什么叫刺激了。这海鲜东 炎【RM13】真的很够味很正宗,里头一共有三只虾,苏东,鱼肉还有一片片的蘑菇。结果,我当然又吃得泪流满面。。。(T_T)
The RED RED tom yam is served, when you smell it, seems not spicy but after you taste a few spoon then you will know how spicy is it. The Seafood TomYam 【RM13】 have prawn, squid, fish meat & some mushroom. The result is, I cry again...

 这么三道菜虽然都是小的,不过对于我们两个大吃的都吃得很饱下了,所以对于比较小吃的可能3个人会刚刚好。而且老板娘还很客气的主动问我们要不要添饭,怪不好意思的。 favorite Deep Fried Squid with Garlic 【RM12】 is served. But the squid seems a bit soft but it fried until smell tasty.
Although 3 dishes served in small size but it's enough for 3persons to finish it.
View Maa Roy Thai Seafood in a larger map

Add: B303-1-27, Krystal Point, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang
Tel: 04-6430752, 012-4069020
Operation hours: 11am - 3pm, 6pm - 10pm 
GPS: 5°19'53.8" 100°17'48.5"

温馨提醒:只要你加入Maa Roy Facebook Fans Page,到Maa Roy用餐时可以享有10%折扣哦。当然,用Foodmice的Vanilla Card也是可以得到10%折扣的。
Friendly Reminder: If you join Maa Roy Facebook Fans Page, when you dining here you can enjoy 10% discount. 10% discount also entitle for Foodmice Vanilla Card members.

更多美食资料可以参考 More on: Maa Roy Thai from ★Jazz‘s 樂の道★

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