Monday, May 24, 2010

D'Food Garden

Two orange tents to provide some shade for outdoor gourmets. Exterior wall is painted bright green while inside is prestige yellow color. Soothing environment to fill up our tummies. 

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最近位于峇六拜的D'Piazza Mall新张的餐馆如雨后春笋,D'Food Garden就是其中之一。现代化的装潢,搭配亮丽的油漆色彩,此餐馆贯彻的原则是为食客们提供无火烹饪的健康美食。老板说他们的食物全都是使用电磁炉来烹饪的,故为“无火烹饪”。喜欢健康养生的食客们,不刚拜访此餐馆,厨师为您精心炮制的美食,绝对是您的首选! 



Sambal Prawn mixed Fried Chicken with rice

Zhe Jiang Grilled Chicken

Apple + Celery

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