Thursday, April 29, 2010

Little Cottage Cafe

Little Cottage Cafe, designed and assembled like a western cottage. Small toys and pictures are used as decoration inside the restaurant. There is even a chimney inside the restaurant! Fully air conditioned equipped with warm lighting to keep the atmosphere comfortable for diners. Additionally,private rooms are up for group diners to fill their tummies with some unique western food. 

Main Link:

这家餐厅的主题和店名完全符合,Little Cottage-小村庄。这儿的环境给人有个种舒适的感觉,有如抛开了城市里的压力回到宁静的小村庄。寂静即优雅的气氛,加上温度较低的黄灯,让整间餐厅都很有浪漫的感觉。食物的品质之好、排盘的整洁等绝对是毋庸置疑的。累了一整天,饱受了工作压力的您,不如亲临此店,让自己的身心及肚子好好享受一番! 


Exterior Look of Little Cottage 1

Minute Rib Eye Steak

Little Cottage Fruit Shake

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